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Sukusukukai-Primama’s tips for new parents:


 Congratulations! You will be having a baby soon. We hope that the following tips and information will help you prepare for your new baby.





Part 1 :


During the last few weeks of pregnancy: 妊娠後期(36週ぐらい)のから~

1. Choosing a pediatrician for your baby: 赤ちゃんのために小児科医を探しておきましょう。


It’s a good idea to choose a pediatrician for your baby prior to the baby’s birth. You can ask your friends who have children or talk to your ob-gyn who may be able to suggest a few good practices.




In the U.S., it is possible to meet with a few potential doctors prior to the delivery by setting up a “prenatal interview” with the doctor- a brief meeting with the potential pediatrician.



*Few important things to consider when choosing a doctor:




Amount of experience caring for newborns. Newborns have special issues, different from those of children and adults. The doctor should have a lot of experience with newborns. Board certified pediatricians would be best.


新生児医療の経験があること。新生児は大人や幼児と違う問題があります。医師は新生児医療に経験豊富なことが重要です。Board certified小児科医をお勧めします。


What is the on-call schedule? Does the practice have coverage by a doctor or nurse even when the office is closed or weekends?

医師のオンコールのスケジュールは? 診療所の休みや、休日の医師や看護師への連絡がどのようになっているかを調べましょう。


What hospital is the doctor affiliated with? Even if your pediatrician is not affiliated with the hospital you will deliver in, it is ok because there is always a pediatrician in the hospital who will examine the child on the day of the delivery and on the day of discharge.


医師がどの病院と提携しているのか? あなたが選んだ小児科医が、出産する病院と提携がなくとも大丈夫です。病院の小児科医が生まれた時と退院の時には必ず診察をいたします。


The first visit with the doctor should be the two or three days after discharge from the hospital.




2. Think about whether you will be breastfeeding or bottle feeding: 母乳育児とミルク授乳、赤ちゃんへの授乳の方法を考えて見ましょう。


It is the consensus that breast milk is the best form of nutrition for your newborn. However, if you decide to give formula, your baby will also receive necessary nutrients.




If you hope to breastfeed, it is important to know that breastfeeding is a skill to be learned by the mother and child. It helps to read a breastfeeding manual or attend a breastfeeding class prior to giving birth. Once the baby comes, you will be very busy! Prior to the birth, take a few hours and try to familiarize yourself with the principles of breast feeding:




*We should try to insert actual references of breastfeeding manuals-in Japanese would be best. 妊娠中に母乳に育児についての日本語の資料も探しておきましょう。


3. Reflect on how you feel about the new baby coming soon, talk to your partner/husband about his feelings.赤ちゃんが生まれることについて、お父さん、パートナーがどんなことを思っているのか話し合ってみましょう。


A new baby is one of the most wonderful events but can be very stressful. Having a baby will definitely change your life and that of your partner and it helps to expect this and be ready for it prior to the birth.




We all have certain expectations regarding the birth and how we hope to feel once the baby comes. It is helpful to know that very often; the actual delivery and outcomes will be different from what you expected. For example, you may end up with a c-section or you may end up using epidural even if you always dreamed of having a ‘natural” delivery.




There is no one way that is the correct way to have a baby. It is good to try to keep an open mind and know that you and your spouse may experience many emotions as you begin your first few days and weeks of being new parents. It is important to try to keep communications lines open between your partners and understand that the first month after the delivery will be very exciting, but could be stressful.



Part 2 :


What to have ready for my baby? 赤ちゃんにどんな準備が必要でしょうか?

1. For the baby: 赤ちゃんのために


a. Car seat:カーシート


It is important to purchase a good infant car seat.

Try to get one before the baby is born. You will need to put the baby in the car seat when you are discharged from the hospital. A brand that we recommend: Graco Infant car seat. You can find many other car seats and reviews of the car seats at  Read the instruction booklet prior to the birth of the baby so that you have more time to set it up correctly.




Look into the Snap N Go type strollers that are compatible with the car seats: you can snap the car seat directly into these types of strollers and they are very easy to use because you do not have to take the baby out of the car seat.


カーシートに付随したスナップN Go タイプのストローラーもあります。これはストローラーにカーシートを接続できるもので、赤ちゃんを移動させずに、カーシートと赤ちゃんを一緒に車に移動する事ができ便利です。


b. Crib/Bassinet: 赤ちゃんベッド、バスィネット


For the first month or so, your infant can sleep comfortably and safely in a bassinet. You don’t need to buy a regular size crib, although if you have the space, your newborn can also sleep in a crib.




For breastfeeding mothers or mothers who have gotten a cesarean section, it may be helpful to get a co-sleeper which you can put right up against your bed. Putting the infant in the co-sleeper may be safer for the infant than putting your infant in bed with you.  Your infant can sleep comfortably in a co-sleeper or bassinet until around two to three months of age.


母乳育児のお母さん、又は帝王切開でお産をされたお母さんは、お母さん側のベッドに付けて利用するa Co-Sleeperを使われるとよいかもしれません。

a Co-Sleeperはご夫婦のベッドに赤ちゃんと一緒に寝るよりも安全です。又はバスィネットで2、3ヶ月ぐらいは大丈夫なこともあります。


Make sure that you do not have a lot of blankets, pillows, toys in the area that your infant sleeps. Do not put too many layers on the infant. Place the infant on its side or back and not on its tummy to sleep. Following these tips will decrease the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).




c. Bottles: 哺乳瓶


Even if you plan on breast feeding exclusively, you should have a few bottles in case. Some good bottles are: Avent, Dr. Browns (wide style works best with breast feeding mothers).


母乳育児をしている方でも、ミルク用の哺乳瓶をいくつが準備しておきましょう。「Avent,」 「Dr. Browns」などはよいブランドです。 


For the first couple of weeks, it may be best to use a bottle sterilizer (Avent, Medela for example) to keep the parts of the bottle clean. Some of the new models are very easy-just put it in the microwave. You can also just boil the bottle parts but this can take more time.




d. Other items 






Enfamil Lipil, Similac Advance: milk based 



Isomil: soy based 






It is good to have some newborn size diapers ready, size N.

Recommended types:  Huggies Ultra trim or Pampers. Can also try cotton cloth diapers. In a first few days and weeks, wipe very gently. May use a very wet, warm paper towel or pampers sensitive type wipes are very gentle.


紙おむつのサイズNは新生児に合うように作られた紙おむつです。Huggies Ultra trim or Pampers.などはよく使われているブランド名です。いまでは、布オムツもかなり使いやすく提供できる会社が出てきています。赤ちゃんのお尻を拭くときには濡れた布や濡れた紙を使って拭いてください。


*Cloth Diapers 



*Infant rectal thermometer



It is more accurate than ear or under arm types for the first six months or so.




*Baby Bath Tub: (赤ちゃん用のバスタブ)


The type that fits into the kitchen sink is helpful.




*Bulb suction/Nasal saline



Ocean or AYR brand of nasal saline. Newborns often get congested and it helps to put a few drops of saline in their nose and suction gently with rubber bulb suction.


Ocean or AYR、ブランドの鼻用の生理食塩水。赤ちゃんは時々鼻が詰まったりします。少しの生理食塩水を数的赤ちゃんの鼻にたらしてから、ゴムのサクションで優しく吸い出します。

Part 3 :


1. What to have ready for the Mother お母さんの出産準備のために

Try to pack a bag with essential items a week or so before your due date. In the hospital after you deliver, it may be helpful to have the following:







Comfortable slippers 



A simple, comfortable nightgown 



Extra large underwear that can be worn with sanitary pads 


大き目の生理用ナプキンが使える大きめな下着 パンツ


May want to bring shampoos and soaps from home: you will be allowed to shower even one day after having your baby if it was natural delivery. 場合によっては、お産の後はシャワーに入る事が出来ます。普段使っているシャンプーや石鹸を持ってきてもいいです。

If you will be breast feeding, bring a breast feeding bra or two. These should ideally be purchase the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Some people have noted that the Japanese brands have better bras and therefore it may be nice to have your relative send you two or three before the birth.




You may want to consider bringing a breast feeding pillow such as “My Breast Friend” or the “Boppy” to the hospital so you can use it to practice breastfeeding.


授乳用のクッション〈ブランドでMy Breast Friend, Boppyなどあります。〉授乳の練習に使えます。


Nnce you come home, it may be helpful to have:



Large size sanitary pads. 



TUCKS pads to put against a sore perineum for example to soothe an episiotomy site. 



Breast feeding moms will need breast pads: Lansinoh makes very good disposable type. 

使い捨て乳房パッド 〈ブランドで Lansinohが作る物がお勧めです〉


Breast feeding moms may want “Lanolin cream” for sore nipples. 

乳頭の傷を保護するローション “Lanolin cream” 

Part 4 :


1. When to see the pediatrician 小児科医を受診する時期


You should make an appointment for your newborn to see the pediatrician two to three days after discharge.



You will want to bring: 



Paper work from the hospital.



Know the birth weight, discharge weight.



Know if the baby had a Hepatitis B shot in the hospital.  



The results of the newborn hearing test.



Bring the infant newborn screening record (a pink piece of paper with a picture of a baby and your last name) 新生児スクリーニング用記録

If there were any medical issues, try to get the name of the doctor and contact information of the doctor who saw your child in the hospital.


もし、治療や観察が必要な場合は、入院時に診察をしてくれた小児科医の連絡先、名前電 話番号を聞いておきましょう。


This first visit, only a few days after delivery, is mainly so the doctor can touch base with you, check your child, monitor the weight and evaluate how you are managing.




If you are trying to exclusively breast feed, the baby often loses weight because your breast milk will not “come in” until four or five days after delivery. Your doctor will weigh the baby, compare to the discharge weight, and give you any advice that may be necessary.




If all is well, you will be asked to bring the baby back at one month of age. Some infants are asked to come back in one or two weeks to check the weight or to check on any other issues.




The basic well child check up schedule after this point is: one month, two months, four months, six months, nine months and one year for the first year of life.




CDCの Vaccinations and Immunizations、Parent’s Guide to Childhood Immunizations




*Don’t be afraid to ask the pediatrician about any concerns you have or questions!




*You should also try to have a new mothers manual on hand such as “what to expect the first year” so you can refer to it and read parts of it to get a sense of what to expect and what is normal.




You should also try to form a network of ‘Mama Tomo.’  Meet new mothers by attending SukuSuku kai programs! Other new mothers will have very similar questions and concerns as you.



Part 5 :


Important Medical Issues: (maybe this could lead into the post partum depression section) 


1. Neonatal Jaundice:   新生児の黄疸:


Newborn infants can get jaundice which means that there is too much bilirubin in the blood.  When a baby is jaundiced, the extra bilirubin can cause damage to the brain if the levels are very high. This is more likely to occur when:




The mother’s milk has not come in fully and the infant doesn’t get enough fluid.




The mother’s blood type is O and the baby’s blood type is A or B.


母親の血液型がO 型で、子供の血液型がA 又はB型


The infant has an infection.



The infant is premature.



Before being discharged from the hospital and at the first doctor’s appointment, the infant will be checked for signs of jaundice that include yellowing of skin and eyes, sleepiness.   If the baby has jaundice and the levels are very high, it can be treated in the hospital relatively safely with phototherapy.




2. Fever greater than 38 C or 100.4 F:  新生児の高熱について(38度以上は要注意):

If an infant who is less than around 2 months of age has a fever greater than this level, it could signify a serious infection in the blood or urine.  You must contact your pediatrician if the infant has a fever greater than 38C.


もし、2ヶ月前後の赤ちゃんが、高熱 を出した場合は、重症な血液、又は尿路系の感染症の場合があります。赤ちゃんに38度以上の高熱がでた場合は、必ず、小児科医に連絡をして、医療機関を受診してください。


3. Shaken Baby Syndrome:  Normal babies cry and sometimes they cry a lot.3揺さぶられっ子症候群: 



Some ways to soothe a crying baby is to rock them, feed them, sing to them, and walk around with them.   However, sometimes babies, especially if they are “colicky” infants, may cry for more than three hours per day.  It is very hard for any parent to hear their baby crying!




Some parents who love their babies and are good parents may sometimes feel like they are losing control of their actions after hearing the baby cry for hours and days and they may shake the baby to try to get the baby to stop crying.  This act of shaking the baby occurs out of sheer despair from not being able to control the baby’s crying.





If you ever notice yourself getting frustrated and losing control when your baby won’t stop crying, just put the baby down in a safe place like a crib and walk away from the baby.  Take a few deep breaths, call someone you trust…take a breather!   It will be ok, but never, never shake a baby!


もし、赤ちゃんが泣き止まないことで、イライラしたり、怒りがこみ上げてしまうようなことがあれば、赤ちゃんを赤ちゃん用のベッド(クリブ)など安全な場所において、赤ちゃんのそばを離れてみましょう。そして、深呼吸をし、また、相談できる方に電話をしてみましょう。 気持ちが少しずつ落ち着いてくると思います。絶対に赤ちゃんをゆすったりしないでください。


4. SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome



There are some ways to help prevent SIDS



Make sure that the infant sleeps on the back or side.



Don’t put blankets and pillow around the baby’s sleep area. This can cause suffocation.


Don’t smoke around the baby.


Make sure the young siblings are never left alone around the baby.


Don’t overheat the baby by dressing the baby in too many layers


Falling asleep sucking on a pacifier was shown to be protective against SIDS


About Postpartum Depression
















産後うつ病はいつ起こるのでしょうか?     重いこころの病気は産後直後に多いといわれていますが、産後3ヵ月後までの期間は用心しておく方が望ましいでしょう。特に日本での里帰り分娩を終えて日常生活に復帰した産後1ヵ月前後は産後うつ病が起こりやすい時期ですから、産後の肥立ちが悪い場合にはできるだけ無理をしないようにしてください。


予防について  妊娠中または産後は充分に養生してください。核家族の方は育児・生活の準備・世話の受け方について、充分にパートナーと話し合っておく事が大切です。産後1ヵ月検診を受けた時点で体の回復が充分でない場合は、体の状態に気持を合わせるようにして、夫や夫の会社、家族の協力を得て焦らずに静養してください。













参考: ママブルーネット、 PSI-Japan



そうです。お父さんも同じように産後の鬱のような感情に襲われることがあるのです。数年前にthe National Institute of Child Health and Human Development の研究によると62%のお父さんが、お子さんの出産を機会にいくらかの鬱の感情を持ったことがわかっています。このことから、産後の女性の鬱の原因が、女性のホルモンの変化だけから来るのではないことがわかりました。








新しくお母さんと同じように、新しいお父さんにもサポート、助言、確認、そして、彼らの心配を話せる安全な場所が必要です。お互いの生活の変化を話し合いましょう。お互いをサポートしましょう。覚えていてください。お父さんにもっとTLC(Tender Loving Care)と注目されることがこの時期には必要なんです。世界各国共通に男の人はなかなか言えないことのようです。


Fathers and Baby Blues

            Yes, fathers are vulnerable to similar emotions. Many years ago, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that 62 percent of fathers felt blue some time during the first four months following the birth of their baby. That’s one of the reasons we know that the baby blues aren’t exclusively caused by hormonal changes. Many factors can contribute to these feelings. The most common are: fear of fatherhood or worries related to new responsibilities and loss of freedom, financial concerns or stress over added expenses and worries about whether his current salary will be sufficient, and role anxieties such as asking, “Will I be a good father? Will I father like my father did?”

            What compounds the stress is that men are encouraged not to share their fears. Instead, they’re often told to “take it like a man” and just deal with it. Unfortunately, keeping silent about your emotions can actually increase stress. Men should be encouraged to talk to their partner or to a professional about what’s worrying them. By expressing their anxieties, new dads are more likely to get a clearer perspective and the support they need to feel better. Like new moms, new dads need support, encouragement, reassurance, and a safe place to vent their concerns. Talk about the changes in your lives with your partner. Support each other. Remember that dads, too, need some extra TLC and attention during this transition — they just may not be good at asking for it.








 一杯ハグをしてあげましょう、一杯” doing a good job” と褒めてあげましょう。










Things Dads Can Do

Welcome Home!

Most couples are anxious and concerned right after they take the baby home. It takes about six weeks for most couples to feel better about having a baby.

Here are things you can do:

Hug your partner a lot. Tell her she’s doing a great job.

Be patient with the baby and with your partner. This is new for all three of you and takes some getting used to. Ask friends and family members for help with cleaning up, grocery shopping and meals. This is not the time to be shy about asking for help. Everyone needs help with a new baby!

Try to rest whenever you can. Help out with the baby during feeding time. If mom is breastfeeding, you can bring her the baby. Help them get comfortable. Help with other jobs too: change diapers, give baths, rock the baby, cuddle the baby, read to the baby and sing the baby to sleep. Most babies love to sleep on their dad’s chest.

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